pub version Taudio

Taudio stands for Ukraine

PeaceForUkraine Peace for Ukraine

PrayForUkraine Pray for Ukraine

Taudio as a τ Project

Taudio is both :

The current Flutter Sound version is 9.x. Taudio is a new name for Flutter Sound 10.0. Taudio is actually in a developement state. It is an Alpha version. Even not a Beta version. There are many things to do before you can use it. Specially:

  • A documentation (TODO)
  • A support of the three main platforms:
    • Web (TOODO)
    • iOS (TODO)
    • Android (TODO)

Taudio is (will be) released under the Gnu Public Licence v3 (GPL v3). This mean that if you don’t want, cannot or maynot release your App under a GPL License, you must stuck with Flutter Sound 9.x. This is not a big deal: Flutter Sound v 9.x will be maintain for a forseable future.

Taudio is a complete rewrite of Flutter Sound 9.x. It keeps compatibility with the Flutter Sound 9.x API but adds a new wrapper above Etau.

This project is actually being developed.

Actually this is only a place holder.